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Hash Tables: Ransom Note


Category: Dictionaries and Hashmaps

Difficulty: Easy

Given a list of words in a magazine, determine whether it is possible to cut out enough words to write a given ransom note.

Input: arrays \(magazine[m]\) and \(note[n]\) of strings, each of which is a word made of uppercase and lowercase English letters.

\[ 1 \leq m, n \leq 3 \times 10^5 \]

Output: print Yes if it is possible to arrange the words of \(magazine\) to write the \(note\), otherwise print No. For example, if the \(note\) is ["two", "plus", "two", "is", "four"], then if the \(magazine\) contains two "two"s, a "plus", an "is", and a "four", then the output is Yes. If it is missing any of those, or it only has one "two", or there is a "Plus" instead of a "plus", then the answer is No. Note that the words are case-sensitive.

It is not enough to know that every word in \(note\) is also in \(magazine\); there must be as many instances of any word in \(magazine\) as there are in \(note\). You can use maps to count the number of occurences in each word of \(magazine\) and \(note\). The answer is No if there is a word in your \(note\) map that either doesn't occur in \(magazine\) or occurs fewer times in \(magazine\) than in \(note\).

Java 8:

public static void checkMagazine(List<String> magazine, List<String> note) {
    Map<String, Integer> magazineFreq = new HashMap<>();
    Map<String, Integer> noteFreq = new HashMap<>();
    for (String word : magazine) {
        magazineFreq.put(word, magazineFreq.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1);
    for (String word : note) {
        noteFreq.put(word, noteFreq.getOrDefault(word, 0) + 1);
    for (String word : noteFreq.keySet()) {
        if (noteFreq.get(word) > magazineFreq.getOrDefault(word, 0)) {




void checkMagazine(vector<string> magazine, vector<string> note) {
    map<string, int> magazineFreq;
    map<string, int> noteFreq;
    for (auto word = magazine.begin(); word != magazine.end(); word++) {
    for (auto word = note.begin(); word != note.end(); word++) {
    for (auto entry = noteFreq.begin(); entry != noteFreq.end(); entry++) {
        if (entry->second > magazineFreq[entry->first]) {
            cout << "No" << endl;


    cout << "Yes" << endl;

Python 3:

def checkMagazine(magazine, note):
    magazine_freq = {word: 0 for word in magazine}
    note_freq = {word: 0 for word in note}
    for word in magazine:
        magazine_freq[word] += 1
    for word in note:
        note_freq[word] += 1
    for word, freq in note_freq.items():
        if word not in magazine_freq or magazine_freq[word] < freq:


