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Greedy Florist


Category: Greedy Algorithms

Difficulty: Medium

Given a list of flower prices and a number of customers, determine the minimum possible cost of buying every flower.

Input: an array \(c[n]\) of the cost of each flower, and \(k\), the number of customers in the group.

\[ 1 \leq n, k \leq 100 \]
\[ 1 \leq c[i] \leq 10^6 \; \; \forall \; i \]

Output: the minimum possible cost of buying every flower. Each customer can buy any number of the flowers in any order. The catch is that for each purchase, the florist multiplies the price by 1 plus the number of flowers that customer has already bought. If a customer first buys flower \(i\), it costs \(c[i]\), and if they next buy flower \(j\), it costs \(2c[j]\), then the next cost is multiplied by 3, and so on.

The group has to buy all \(n\) flowers in the list, so we have to incur every price. In general, the more expensive a flower is, the lower we want the multiplier to be when we purchase it. Therefore, it makes sense to buy the most expensive flowers first when the multiplier is low, and save the cheapest flowers for when the multiplier is highest. Also, we should try to distribute the flower purchases as evenly as possible among the customers. For example, it would never be optimal to have one customer buy three flowers while another only buys one flower. That third flower \(i\) costs \(3c[i]\) for the first customer, but it would only cost \(2c[i]\) if the other customer bought it instead.

Here is the greedy strategy: the \(k\) customers each buy the most expensive flower available, getting the \(k\) most expensive flowers with multiplier 1. Then, they repeat, buying the next \(k\) most expensive flowers with multiplier 2. They repeat until there are no more flowers left to buy. Think of the multipler as the number of times the customer has to buy that flower. We want to buy the most expensive flowers as few times as possible, and we should save the cheapest flowers for when we have to buy many of them.

Here's a quick exchange argument for why this is always optimal: suppose an optimal solution differs from ours, such that for some flower \(i\) that we bought with multiplier \(k\), the optimal solution buys \(i\) later with a higher multiplier \(\ell > k\), and instead buys some other flower \(j\) with multiplier \(k\). If our algorithm picked \(i\) instead of \(j\) to buy with multiplier \(k\), it must be the case that

\[ \begin{align*} c[j] & \leq c[i] \\ (\ell - k)c[j] & \leq (\ell - k)c[i] \\ \ell c[j] - k c[j] & \leq \ell c[i] - k c[i] \\ k c[i] + \ell c[j] & \leq \ell c[i] + k c[j] \end{align*} \]

using \(\ell - k > 0\). Therefore, if you were to swap \(i\) and \(j\) in the optimal solution to purchase \(i\) with multiplier \(k\) (like our algorithm does) and \(j\) with multiplier \(\ell\), it would not increase the total cost. You could continuously swap flowers like this for every point at which the optimal solution chooses differently from ours, and the cost would never increase. Therefore, our algorithm's solution must be an optimal solution.

Java 8:

static int getMinimumCost(int k, int[] c) {
    c = Arrays.copyOf(c, c.length);

    int multiplier = 1;
    int cost = 0;
    int customers = k;
    int index = c.length - 1;
    while (index >= 0) {
        if (customers == 0) {
            customers = k;
        cost += c[index] * multiplier;

    return cost;


int getMinimumCost(int k, vector<int> c) {
    vector<int> prices = c;
    sort(prices.begin(), prices.end());
    reverse(prices.begin(), prices.end());

    int multiplier = 1;
    int totalCost = 0;
    int customers = k;
    for (auto price = prices.begin(); price != prices.end(); price++) {
        if (!customers) {
            customers = k;
        totalCost += *price * multiplier;

    return totalCost;

Python 3:

def getMinimumCost(k, c):
    cost = 0
    multiplier = 1
    customers = k
    for price in sorted(c, reverse=True):
        if not customers:
            customers = k
            multiplier += 1
        cost += price * multiplier
        customers -= 1

    return cost
