Max Min
Category: Greedy Algorithms
Difficulty: Medium
Given an array of integers and \(k\), choose \(k\) integers from the array such that unfairness is minimized.
Input: an array \(a[n]\) of integers, and \(k\), the number elements you must choose from \(a\).
Output: the minimum possible unfairness that can be achieved by choosing \(k\) elements from \(a\). The unfairness of a subarray \(a'[k]\) is defined as \(\max(a') - \min(a')\), or the difference between the largest value you chose and the smallest value you chose. The elements need not be consecutive in the original array \(a\).
There are \({n \choose k}\) ways to choose \(k\) elements for our subarray \(a'\), but we don't have to check every single one. For some element \(a[i]\), consider all of the subarray choices such that \(a[i]\) is the minimum value. How should we choose the other \(k - 1\) elements to minimize unfairness? We can't choose anything smaller than \(a[i]\), since we are considering the case when it is the minimum element. We should pick the smallest \(k - 1\) elements that are greater than or equal to \(a[i]\). If we picked any other elements instead, that could only give us a larger max value and more unfairness.
Therefore, if we sort \(a\), the only subarrays we need to consider are each \(k\)-length contiguous subarray. For each starting (minimum) element \(a[i]\), the optimal subarray to choose would be \(a[i]\) through \(a[i + k - 1]\). The overall optimum subarray must have one of the elements as its minimum, so we will certainly find it when we get to that minimum element.
Java 8:
static int maxMin(int k, int[] arr) {
int[] sorted = arr.clone();
int result = sorted[k - 1] - sorted[0];
for (int i = 1; i + k <= arr.length; i++) {
int j = i + k - 1;
int unfairness = sorted[j] - sorted[i];
result = Math.min(result, unfairness);
return result;
int maxMin(int k, vector<int> arr) {
vector<int> sorted = arr;
sort(sorted.begin(), sorted.end());
int result = sorted[k - 1] - sorted[0];
for (int i = 1; i + k <= arr.size(); i++) {
int j = i + k - 1;
int unfairness = sorted[j] - sorted[i];
result = min(result, unfairness);
return result;
Python 3:
def maxMin(k, arr):
a = sorted(arr)
result = a[k - 1] - a[0]
for i, val in enumerate(a[:(1 - k)]):
j = i + k - 1
unfairness = a[j] - val
result = min(result, unfairness)
return result