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Hash Tables: Ice Cream Parlor


Category: Search

Difficulty: Medium

Given a list of flavor costs, find the pair of flavors that requires the given amount of money to buy.

Input: an array of costs \(c[n]\), and an integer \(m\), the amount of money. Different flavors can have the same cost.

\[ 2 \leq m \leq 10^9 \]
\[ 2 \leq n \leq 5 \times 10^4 \]
\[ 1 \leq c[i] \leq 10^9 \; \; \forall \; i \]

Output: two one-based indices that correspond to the two flavors whose costs add up to exactly \(m\). Note that you can assume there is exactly one solution \((i, j)\) with \(i < j\) and \(c[i] + c[j] = m\).

The problem of finding two values in an array that add up to a target value is a popular coding problem. The simplest solution is to read through the array and maintain a set of the values seen so far. Before adding a value \(c[i]\), check the set for its "complement" \(m - c[i]\). If some previous \(c[j]\) has that value, then a solution has been found. Make sure you search for the complement before adding \(c[i]\) to the set, because you might have \(c[i] = \frac{m}{2}\) and \(c[i] = m - c[i]\), where you will incorrectly report that \(c[i]\) matches with itself.

This version of the problem guarantees that a solution always exists, and it asks for the indices of the solution. Instead of a set, it will be helpful to use a map that maps each cost to its index in \(c\). An interesting property of this problem is that while costs are not unique, there is guaranteed to be a unique solution, which means that if two costs \(c[i]\) and \(c[j]\) are the same, either they are the only solution (\(c[i] = c[j] = \frac{m}{2}\) and no other cost is \(\frac{m}{2}\)) or they are irrelevant to the solution. Therefore, if the same cost occurs multiple times in \(c\), we don't need to worry about which index it maps to in our map. Don't forget to use one-based indices for the answer (which probably involves either storing one-based indices in your map or just adding 1 to each index at the end) and print the lower index first.

Java 8:

public static void whatFlavors(List<Integer> cost, int money) {
    Map<Integer, Integer> priceToIdx = new HashMap<>();
    Iterator<Integer> readCosts = cost.iterator();
    int id1 = -1;
    int id2 = 0;
    while (readCosts.hasNext() && id1 == -1) {
        int c =;
        if (priceToIdx.containsKey(money - c)) {
            id1 = priceToIdx.get(money - c);
        } else {
            priceToIdx.put(c, id2);
    System.out.println(id1 + " " + id2);


void whatFlavors(vector<int> cost, int money) {
    map<int, int> priceToIdx;
    int id1 = -1;
    int id2 = 0;
    auto readCost = cost.begin();
    while (readCost != cost.end() && id1 == -1) {
        auto complement = priceToIdx.find(money - *readCost);
        if (complement != priceToIdx.end()) {
            id1 = complement->second;
        } else {
            priceToIdx[*readCost] = id2;
    cout << id1 << " " << id2 << endl;

Python 3:

def whatFlavors(cost, money):
    price_to_idx = {}
    id1, id2 = -1, 0
    read_cost = iter(cost)
    while id1 == -1:
        c = next(read_cost)
        if money - c in price_to_idx:
            id1 = price_to_idx[money - c]
            price_to_idx[c] = id2
            id2 += 1
    id1 += 1
    id2 += 1
    print(id1, id2)
