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Minimum Time Required


Category: Search

Difficulty: Medium

Given the number of days it takes each machine to produce an item, determine how many days it will take to fulfill an order of items.

Input: An array \(m[n]\) of machines and a goal \(g\), where the \(i^\text{th}\) machine produces 1 item after every \(m[i]\) days.

\[ 1 \leq n \leq 10^5 \]
\[ 1 \leq g \leq 10^9 \]
\[ 1 \leq m[i] \leq 10^9 \; \; \forall \; i \]

Output: the number of days it will take to produce at least \(g\) items.

The first thing to observe is that, after a given number of days, we can compute how many items each machine has produced so far. Machine \(i\) produces an item after each \(m[i]\) days, so after \(d\) days,

\[ \text{items}(d) = \sum_{i=1}^n \left\lfloor\frac{d}{m[i]}\right\rfloor \]

We need to search for the day \(d\) where the number of items is no longer less than \(g\):

\[ \text{items}(d - 1) < g \leq \text{items}(d) \]

It is easy to compute items\((d)\) for any \(d\), but it might seem hard to find this point without just trying \(d = 1, 2, 3, \ldots\) until you find it. A good way to do this is with an exponential search, which is similar to a binary search. The idea is to try \(d = 1, 2, 4, 8, \ldots\) until you find some \(2^k\) that has \(\text{items}(2^{k - 1}) < g \leq \text{items}(2^k)\). Then, you do a binary search within the range \([2^{k - 1}, 2^k]\) to find the exact value \(d\). Since \(d\) could be very large, this is usually significantly faster than a linear search.

Java 8:

static long minTime(long[] machines, long goal) {
    long target = 1L;
    long itemCount = items(machines, target);
    while (itemCount < goal) {
        target *= 2L;
        itemCount = items(machines, target);

    long lowTarget = target / 2L;
    long highTarget = target;
    while (lowTarget + 1 < highTarget) {
        target = (highTarget + lowTarget) / 2L;
        itemCount = items(machines, target);
        if (itemCount < goal) {
            lowTarget = target;
        } else {
            highTarget = target;

    return highTarget;

private static long items(long[] machines, long days) {
    long result = 0L;
    for (long machine : machines) {
        result += days / machine;

    return result;


long items(vector<long>, long);

long minTime(vector<long> machines, long goal) {
    long target = 1L;
    long itemCount = items(machines, target);
    while (itemCount < goal) {
        target *= 2L;
        itemCount = items(machines, target);

    long lowTarget = target / 2L;
    long highTarget = target;
    while (lowTarget + 1 < highTarget) {
        target = (highTarget + lowTarget) / 2L;
        itemCount = items(machines, target);
        if (itemCount < goal) {
            lowTarget = target;
        } else {
            highTarget = target;

    return highTarget;

long items(vector<long> machines, long days) {
    long result = 0L;
    for (auto m = machines.begin(); m != machines.end(); m++) {
        result += days / *m;

    return result;

Python 3:

def minTime(machines, goal):
    def items(days):
        return sum(days // m for m in machines)

    target = 1
    item_count = items(target)
    while item_count < goal:
        target *= 2
        item_count = items(target)

    low_target, high_target = target // 2, target
    while low_target + 1 < high_target:
        target = (high_target + low_target) // 2
        item_count = items(target)
        if item_count < goal:
            low_target = target
            high_target = target

    return high_target
