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Swap Nodes [Algo]


Category: Search

Difficulty: Medium

Given a binary tree and a list of swap queries, report the state of the tree after fulfilling each query.

Input: a binary tree with \(n\) nodes represented by an \(n \times 2\) array \(T\), and an array \(q[t]\) of \(t\) queries. Each node \(i\) for \(1 \leq i \leq n\) has left child \(T_{i, \ell}\) and right child \(T_{i, r}\), either of which can be \(-1\) if no such child exists. Also, node 1 is the root, and each node has a lower index than its children.

\[ 1 \leq n \leq 2^{10} \]
\[ T_{i, \ell}, T_{i, r} \in \{-1, i + 1, i + 2, \ldots, n\} \; \; \forall \; i \]
\[ 1 \leq t \leq 100 \]
\[ 1 \leq q[i] \leq n \; \; \forall \; i \]

Output: a list of \(t\) inorder traversals of the tree, one after each of the \(t\) swap queries is fulfilled. Each swap query \(k\) should swap the left and right subtrees of every node whose depth is a multiple of \(k\) (the root has depth 1). Each inorder traversal is a list of the nodes 1 through \(n\). If you are not familiar with pre-order, post-order, or inorder traversals, they are useful conventions for doing a depth-first search on a binary tree. Inorder traversal means that for each node you discover, you traverse its entire left subtree first, then add the node to the traversal, and then traverse the entire right subtree.

The tree representation given to us in this problem (an \(n \times 2\) array) is nice because we can access any node by index without having to search for it from the root. Still, it would be a pain if, say for a query \(k = 2\), we had to do a breadth-first search to find and swap the children of every node with depth 2, 4, 6, and so on. It would be nice if we could look up the indices of every node with depth \(k\), because if we know that, it is easy to index into the tree and swap the children of each node. Note that swapping never changes a node's parent, so it never changes the depth of any node.

I used a table that maps each possible depth 1 through \(n\) to the set of nodes at that depth. To populate the sets in this table, you search the tree and calculate each node's depth. Since every node has a lower index than its children, you can use an even simpler dynamic programming approach: set \(d[1] \gets 1\) for the root, and for each node \(i = 1 \ldots n\), set its children's depths to \(d[i] + 1\).

Once you have populated your depth lookup data structure, for each query \(k\) and each integer \(m \geq 1\) such that \(mk \leq n\), you need to look up the set of nodes with depth \(mk\) and swap the left and right indices of each. Then, build the inorder traversal of the tree and append it to the output list. The inorder traversal is easiest to implement recursively, as the inorder traversal of any tree is inorderTraversal(left) + root + inorderTraversal(right).

Note that the indices of the given tree are one-based. In Java and C++, I use a copy of the tree that has an extra element at the front so that I can use the one-based index values in the tree to index into the tree itself, but this is definitely not required. Depending on how you handle this, you will probably need to watch out for off-by-one indexing errors.

Java 8:

public static List<List<Integer>> swapNodes(List<List<Integer>> indexes,
                                            List<Integer> queries) {
    int n = indexes.size();
    int[][] tree = new int[n + 1][2];
    int index = 1;
    for (List<Integer> pair : indexes) {
        tree[index][0] = pair.get(0);
        tree[index][1] = pair.get(1);

    int[] depths = new int[n + 1];
    List<Set<Integer>> depthLookup = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
        depthLookup.add(new HashSet<>());
    depths[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        int left = tree[i][0];
        int right = tree[i][1];
        int nextDepth = depths[i] + 1;
        if (left != -1) {
            depths[left] = nextDepth;
        if (right != -1) {
            depths[right] = nextDepth;

    List<List<Integer>> result = new LinkedList<>();
    for (int query : queries) {
        int k = query;
        while (k <= n) {
            for (int node : depthLookup.get(k)) {
                swap(tree, node);
            k += query;

        List<Integer> traversal = new LinkedList<>();
        inorderTraversal(traversal, tree, 1);

    return result;

private static void swap(int[][] tree, int node) {
    int temp = tree[node][0];
    tree[node][0] = tree[node][1];
    tree[node][1] = temp;

private static void inorderTraversal(List<Integer> traversal, int[][] tree,
                                     int root) {
    if (root != -1) {
        inorderTraversal(traversal, tree, tree[root][0]);
        inorderTraversal(traversal, tree, tree[root][1]);


void inorderTraversal(vector<int>&, vector<pair<int, int>>&, int);

vector<vector<int>> swapNodes(vector<vector<int>> indexes, 
                              vector<int> queries) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> tree;
    for (auto index = indexes.begin(); index != indexes.end(); index++) {
        tree.emplace_back(index->at(0), index->at(1));

    int n = indexes.size();
    vector<int> depths(n + 1);
    vector<set<int>> depthLookup(n + 1);
    depths[1] = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        int left = tree[i].first;
        int right = tree[i].second;
        int nextDepth = depths[i] + 1;
        if (left != -1) {
            depths[left] = nextDepth;
        if (right != -1) {
            depths[right] = nextDepth;

    vector<vector<int>> result;
    for (auto query = queries.begin(); query != queries.end(); query++) {
        int k = *query;
        while (k <= n) {
            set<int>* depthSet = &depthLookup[k];
            for (auto node = depthSet->begin(); node != depthSet->end();
                                                node++) {
                swap(tree[*node].first, tree[*node].second);
            k += *query;

        vector<int> traversal;
        inorderTraversal(traversal, tree, 1);

    return result;

void inorderTraversal(vector<int>& traversal, vector<pair<int, int>>& tree,
                      int root) {
    if (root != -1) {
        inorderTraversal(traversal, tree, tree[root].first);
        inorderTraversal(traversal, tree, tree[root].second);

For Python, the simple recursive implementation of inorder traversal was exceeding the recursion limit for some test cases, so I wrote it without recursion. It's the same idea as the recursive implementation, but instead of handling nodes in the right order with the call stack by making recursive calls in the right order, we are using an explicit stack and pushing node indices onto it. Starting with the root, we make an inorder_push to the stack, which pushes the node and its children in reverse order (right child, parent, left child) so that they will be popped in the correct order. We use a list of boolean flags to keep track of which nodes we have done an inorder_push on. Until the stack is empty and the traversal is complete, we pop each node from the stack and do an inorder_push for that node if we haven't before or append it to the traversal if we have. This method is a bit longer and harder to write than the recursive method, but it scales better for large trees by avoiding making tons of recursive calls.

Python 3:

def swapNodes(indexes, queries):
    tree = tuple(indexes)
    n = len(tree)
    depths = [0] * (n + 1)
    depth_lookup = [set()]
    for _ in depths:
    depths[1] = 1
    for i, node in enumerate(tree):
        left, right = node
        next_depth = depths[i + 1] + 1
        if left != -1:
            depths[left] = next_depth
        if right != -1:
            depths[right] = next_depth

    result = []
    for query in queries:
        k = query
        while k <= n:
            for node in depth_lookup[k]:
                tree[node - 1].reverse()
            k += query

    return result

def inorder_traversal(tree):
    visited = [False] * (len(tree) + 1)
    stack = []

    def inorder_push(node):
        left, right = tree[node - 1]
        if right != -1:
        if left != -1:
        visited[node] = True

    traversal = []
    while stack:
        node = stack.pop()
        if visited[node]:

    return traversal
