Fraudulent Activity Notifications
Category: Sorting
Difficulty: Medium
Given a list of a client's expenditures for each day, determine how many potential fraud alerts should be issued to them.
Input: an array \(x[n]\) of the expenditures of each day for \(n\) days, and a number of trailing days to consider, \(d\).
Output: the number of times a potential fraud notification should have been issued. A potential fraud notification is issued if a day's expenditures are at least \(2m\), where \(m\) is the median of the previous \(d\) days' expenditures.
On each day \(i\), we care about how \(x[i]\) compares to the median of the previous \(d\) days, from \(i - 1\) to \(i - d\). For the next day, we will need a new median, with day \(i\) replacing the day that was previously \(d\) days ago. If we have a list of \(d\) numbers and change one of them arbitrarily, it is hard to know exactly how the median will change without recomputing it from scratch.
The expenditures only range from 0 to 200. Consider a table \(f(v)\) that stores the frequency of each value. Let the table only counts the frequencies over the previous \(d\) days:
How would you find the median value over the previous \(d\) days with this table? It is easy to find the median of a sorted list: it is the middle entry if \(d\) is odd and the average of the two middle entries if \(d\) is even. It is possible to use the table to recreate a sorted list of the previous \(d\) days, but it is also possible to compute the median from the table directly. The middle entry is the lowest value \(m\) for which the cumulative sum \(\sum_{i=0}^m f(i) > \lfloor\frac{d}{2}\rfloor\). Note that you will need the average of two middle values if \(d\) is even, but the two middle values might be the same. The lower middle value \(m^-\) is the highest value for which the sum is less than \(\lfloor\frac{d}{2}\rfloor\), and the higher middle value \(m^+\) is \(m\) as before.
You only need to compute a median if \(d\) days have past, and to update the table, you increment \(f(x[i])\) and decrement \(f(x[i - d])\).
Java 8:
static int activityNotifications(int[] expenditure, int d) {
Map<Integer, Integer> counts = new TreeMap<>();
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < expenditure.length; i++) {
if (i >= d) {
if (expenditure[i] >= Math.round(2.0 * median(counts, d))) {
counts.put(expenditure[i - d], counts.get(expenditure[i - d]) - 1);
counts.put(expenditure[i], counts.getOrDefault(expenditure[i], 0) + 1);
return result;
private static double median(Map<Integer, Integer> counts, int d) {
int total = 0;
int low = 0;
int high = 0;
Iterator<Integer> iter = counts.keySet().iterator();
int i =;
while (total <= d / 2) {
high = i;
if (total < d / 2) {
low = i;
total += counts.get(i);
i =;
return d % 2 == 0 ? (high + low) / 2.0 : high;
double median(map<int, int>&, int);
int activityNotifications(vector<int> expenditure, int d) {
map<int, int> counts;
int result = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < expenditure.size(); i++) {
if (i >= d) {
result += expenditure[i] >= round(2.0 * median(counts, d));
counts[expenditure[i - d]]--;
return result;
double median(map<int, int>& counts, int d) {
int total = 0;
int high = 0;
int low = 0;
int i = 0;
while (total <= d / 2) {
high = i;
if (total < d / 2) {
low = i;
total += counts[i];
return d % 2 ? high : (high + low) / 2.0;
Python 3:
def activityNotifications(expenditure, d):
def median(counts, d):
total = 0
high, low = 0, 0
i = 0
while total <= d // 2:
high = i
if total < d // 2:
low = i
total += counts.get(i, 0)
i += 1
return high if d % 2 else (high + low) / 2
counts = {}
result = 0
for i, exp in enumerate(expenditure):
if i >= d:
if exp >= round(2 * median(counts, d)):
result += 1
counts[expenditure[i - d]] -= 1
counts[exp] = counts.get(exp, 0) + 1
return result