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Trees: Is This a Binary Search Tree?


Category: Trees

Difficulty: Medium

Determine if a given binary tree is valid as a binary search tree.

Input: the root of a binary tree. For each node \(n\),

\[ 0 \leq n.\text{data} \leq 10^4 \]
class Node {
    int data;
    Node* left;
    Node* right;

Output: true if the tree is a binary search tree and false otherwise. The tree is a binary search tree if and only if:

  • every node has a unique data value.
  • each node's data value is greater than the data values of all the nodes in its left subtree.
  • each node's data value is less than the data values of all the nodes in its right subtree.

Aside: A binary search tree is a useful data structure because searching for specific values is similar to performing a binary search on a sorted array. If you want to know whether a data value \(x\) is present in the tree, you start at the root and compare \(x\) to the root's data value \(d\). If \(x < d\), \(x\) can only be in the left subtree. If \(x > d\), \(x\) can only be in the right subtree. If \(x = d\), you've found it. Repeat until you've found the value \(x\), or you've reached a point where the only subtree that can contain it is empty and you can conclude \(x\) is not present. Assuming the tree of \(n\) values is balanced well, you get \(O(\log n)\) search complexity, though you will need to rebalance the tree upon insertions and deletions to keep this bound (to imagine why, consider that a sorted linked list with the minimum value at the head would count as a valid "degenerate" binary search tree).

Anyway, whether or not a given binary tree is a binary search tree depends on the answers to the following questions:

  1. Is the left subtree a binary search tree?
  2. Is the right subtree a binary search tree?
  3. Is the root's data value strictly greater than the maximum value of the left subtree?
  4. Is the root's data value strictly less than the minimum value of the right subtree?

If the answer to all four questions is yes, the answer is true, and if the answer to any question is no, the answer is false. To consider how we might answer questions 3 and 4, assume we know for a given tree that 1 and 2 are true. If we want the maximum value in a binary search tree, we can start at the root and go to the right until we can't go right anymore. Recursively, the maximum value of the BST is the maximum value of the right subtree, or the value of the root if the right subtree is empty. Likewise, we can find the minumum value by going as far to the left as possible until we reach a node with an empty left subtree.

We could use these observations to write a recursive solution, but I think there is a more intuitive solution involving the tree's inorder traversal. If we do an inorder traversal of a binary search tree and add every data value to a list, we should find that the list is sorted in ascending order with no duplicates. So if we perform an inorder traversal over the given binary tree, we should be able to determine whether the resulting list of values corresponds to a binary search tree (each value is stricly greater than the previous).

I use the inorder traversal approach for the Java, C++, and Python solutions. For Python, Alternate Solution 1 demonstrates how you can return early if you find a violation during the inorder traversal instead of completing the entire traversal and checking the result. Alternate Solution 2 demonstrates a recursive solution that checks the four questions listed above.

Note: as of February 2023, the Java 7 and 8 templates for this problem are broken because because the Solution class is missing. Java 15 doesn't have this problem, but it doesn't provide the boilerplate code for reading in the input and building the tree. Luckily, if you look at the input format, you'll notice that the tree is already represented as an inorder traversal, which makes the problem significantly easier.

Java 15:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner console = new Scanner(;
    console.nextInt(); // always 2?

    int prev = console.nextInt();
    boolean valid = true;
    while (console.hasNextInt() && valid) {
        int next = console.nextInt();
        if (prev >= next) {
            valid = false;
        prev = next;
    System.out.println(valid ? "Yes" : "No");


bool checkBST(Node* root) {
    vector<int> traversal;
    inorderTraversal(root, traversal);

    const int N = traversal.size();
    for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
        if (traversal[i - 1] >= traversal[i]) {
            return false;

    return true;

void inorderTraversal(Node* node, vector<int>& traversal) {
    if (node) {
        inorderTraversal(node->left, traversal);
        inorderTraversal(node->right, traversal);

Python 3:

def checkBST(root):
    def inorder_traversal(n, traversal):
        if n:
            inorder_traversal(n.left, traversal)
            inorder_traversal(n.right, traversal)

    traversal = []
    inorder_traversal(root, traversal)
    for first, second in zip(traversal[:-1], traversal[1:]):
        if first >= second:
            return False

    return True

Python 3 Alternate Solution 1:

def checkBST(root):
    def inorder_traversal(n, traversal):
        if n:
            if not inorder_traversal(n.left, traversal):
                return False

            if traversal and traversal[-1] >=
                return False

            if not inorder_traversal(n.right, traversal):
                return False

        return True

    traversal = []
    return inorder_traversal(root, traversal)

Python 3 Alternate Solution 2:

def max_value(n):
    return max_value(n.right) if n.right else

def min_value(n):
    return min_value(n.left) if n.left else

def checkBST(root):
    return not root or (
        checkBST(root.left) and checkBST(root.right)
        and (not root.left or max_value(root.left) <
        and (not root.right or min_value(root.right) >
